Message from The Managing Director

Investing for the future to achieve Financial Freedom for many people is important but never urgent. For most of us, it usually takes a lower priority than our other family and work commitments.

Therefore, without an external party with a workable system to help make this a priority over a long period of time, achieving Financial Freedom can only be a dream for most people.Statistically, only 3% of the entire retiree population in Australia will achieve a retirement income of $50,000 or more, so the odds are against us. We not only provide practical advice on the key success components such as planning,

risk management, money management, property selection, management & disposal, but we can also support you in the execution and implementation of our advice under the one roof so that you can maximize your results without lowering your quality of life.

On Behalf of the team at Investors Mortgage, I would like to invite you to join our investment family.

Whilst We recognize that the road to Financial Freedom will be met with the typical challenges of any investment strategy, we are committed to support you to our best and continue to improve our knowledge and systems to meet your ever-changing needs.


Amit Sharma, Dip. FinPlan, Dip. FinServices, M.IS

Managing Director

Investors Mortgage

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